Wednesday, August 20, 2008


by Dato Sri Dr.Chua Soi Lek



  1. 真正的政治。真正的影响力。

  2. 真正的平等。真正的权利。

  3. 真正的社会经济成长。

1 )真正的政治。真正的影响力


1.1 视野要大,思维要广
  • 马华是一个单一种族的政党,但却要有多元种族思维的运作,为全民及国家争取权益及斗争。简单来说,马华的问政要立足在课题,而不是种族。

  • 马华将继续作为华基政党,只是它的斗争不只为华社议题,也要概括全民国家议题:贪污腐败,司法公正,社会治安,环境保护,两性平权,公民人权及贫穷弱势。

  • 因此,马华会继续为协助族群在经济发展、提升竞争力、华文教育及文化传承方面贡献力量,而且是以更大的视野来关心这些议题,换言之不只是为单一族群斗争。

1.2 改变一党独大,成为真正伙伴
  • 马华要重新省思自己在国阵里与其他成员党的关系,尤其是和巫统,一定要去除主从关系。每一个成员党都是平起平坐,那么马华才能反映华裔选民心声,并在新的政治生态中拥有一席之地。

  • 我们需确保国阵是一个多元种族的联盟,而非单一种族、单一信条、单一宗教的政盟。唯有如此,全民的声音及意愿才能直达天听,马华在国阵里才有存在的价值。

  • 国阵不再有”老大哥”,巫统只是盟体里的其中一个领导,而非独权(我们需要能稳定局面的领导,正如民联以安华为领导主干)。

  • 国阵里每个成员党都是平起平坐,具有同等的权利和地位,因为我们都是马来西亚人,但我们要时时谨记,我国的多元种族社会是以马来人居大多数。

  • 因此,马华要与国阵其他成员党讨论未来政治联盟的发展方向及相处之道,对我们所关注的议题,马华不只要大声说,还要公开说,有尊严的说,不再担心说了会引起对立或遭到恐吓。

  • 马华坚持,国阵各个成员党不能为了满足本身特权因而剥夺甚至影响了整体发展及规划。我们要把马华落实为真正的政治组织,以便能适应国家新的政治生态。我们要有明确及清楚的政治价值观,我们的政治信念中要具备关爱全民,公平正义,讲求诚信,纪律与勇气,当然我们也要包容不同的声音。

  • 马华要更有自信,确保政府的施政政策及计划更具透明度,公平和民主。因此,我们无需再通过乞求及请愿来要求政府解决教育课题,宗教议题及经济机会。



by: Dato Sri Dr. Chua Soi Lek

After its unprecedented poor showing in the 12th General Election, many calls are going out from all quarters and corners within the MCA calling for the need to re-engineer, re-organise, rebuild, re-invent and re-vitalise the party.

Reformation is crucial. MCA shall remain the same as the founding father of MCA has clearly lain out. However, it needs to be fine-tuned and taken into consideration to the political reality of Malaysia in a globalised world.

MCA has to do some soul searching and to make changes in order for the party to going forward based on 3 platforms:-

  1. Real Politics. Real Influence.

  2. Real Equality. Real Rights.

  3. Real Socio-economic Growth.


The way forward for MCA is to be a real political party, which can fit into the new political landscape, and to reflect the political reality. How?

1.1 Change to think National
  • MCA as a mono ethnic party shall exercise multi-racial approach in championing the rights and cause of the rakyat and the nation.

  • MCA shall be issue centric rather than just ethno centric.

  • MCA will continue to be a Chinese-based political party but it will champion not only Chinese interest but also national issue: corruption, judiciary, security, green environment, gender sensitivity, civil liberties and poverty.

  • MCA will continue to dedicate itself to help the Chinese community in economic development and competitiveness, Chinese education, culture not withstanding that, it should always be issue centric rather than all just Chinese.

1.2 Change to real partnership without dominance
  • MCA needs to re-look its relationship with its component party, especially UMNO. The perception of a master-servant relationship should be removed. Every component partner should have equal right, then only MCA can deliver the Chinese vote and stay competitive in the new political landscape.

  • MCA seeks to have a meaningful and effective partnership. Therefore we shall ensure BN as a multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition, does not serve only one race, one creed, one religion. Hence, the voice of rakyat will always be heard in the corridors of power and that we will always be valued partners in the coalition.

  • There is no ‘big brother’ within the Barisan Nasional, only leadership by UMNO but not dominance (as we need leadership for stability, even the PR have leadership because of Anwar Ibrahim).

  • Every component party should be treated equal and fairly with the same rights of status as the rakyat of Malaysia, bearing in mind the Malay forms majority in this multi-racial society.

  • It is therefore pertinent for MCA to sit down with the component parties in BN, to lay down new and clear ground rules for the future direction of the coalition. MCA needs to speak out more and vocalize their concerns publicly and respectfully, without being threatening or antagonistic.

  • Each of the main component parties of BN have jealously and zealously fought and guarded the continuity and propagation of principal political agendas. However, championing of the communities rights and privileges should be less communal by way of adopting a constant, consistent and systematic approach in development planning, distribution of these rights and privileges.

  • We want to make MCA a political party that will reflect the changed political landscape in Malaysia. We must have clear and unequivocal values such as love and care for the rakyat, fairness, justice, integrity, discipline, courage in our convictions and tolerance for different opinions.

  • MCA should be more assertive to ensure government improves the implementation of government policies (projects) should be more transparent, fair and democratic. Hence, educational issues, religious issues and economic opportunities should be resolved without having to beg and petition the government.




1 什么是基孔肯雅蚊症(chikungunya)?
基孔肯雅蚊症(chikungunya )是由基孔肯雅病毒 (chikungunya virus, CHIKV)引起,经黑斑蚊传播,以发热、皮疹及关节疼痛为主要特征的急性传染病。1953年首次在坦桑尼亚证实了基孔肯雅热流行。本病主要流行于非洲和东南亚地区,近年在欧洲也发现病例。它属于风土病, 经常发生在亚沙哈垃非洲,印度,东南亚,印尼和菲律宾。

2 基孔肯雅蚊症如何发生?
基孔肯雅蚊症(chikungunya )是由基孔肯雅病毒引起, 为Togaviridae属, Alphavirus科。

3 基孔肯雅蚊症会传染吗?
人类被带有基孔肯亚病毒的蚊子埃及伊蚊(Aedes aegypti) 或白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)叮咬后,便会患上基孔肯亚病。这两种黑斑蚊也传播骨痛热症。

4 基孔肯雅蚊症的潜伏期?

5 基孔肯雅蚊症的症状?
. 突发烧
. 关节出现剧烈疼痛
. 发疹
. 头痛

6 此病会导致死亡吗?

7 有什么治疗方式吗?

8 患上此病者该怎办?

9 如何避免被传染此病
. 确保住家四周经常保持清洁和消灭黑斑蚊滋长,特别是通过居民协力大扫除。经证实,经过大扫除的地区再没有新案例投报。
. 一周至少检查一次家园的清洁
. 若出现基孔肯雅蚊症的症状,马上到邻近的诊疗所或医院就医。

10 我住的地区会成为基孔肯雅蚊症的流行区吗?
可能,因为基孔肯雅蚊症由生存于我国的埃及伊蚊(Aedes aegypti)和或白纹伊蚊(Aedes albopictus)传播。

11 基孔肯雅蚊症在国内的散播情况如何?有增加的趋势至爆发流行吗?
至今年7月30日,当局共接获631宗基孔肯雅蚊症发生在柔佛,森美兰,马六甲和霹雳州的投报,共20个病发点 (柔佛11个,马六甲6个,霹雳2个和森州1个)。详情请参阅卫生总监声明

12 卫生部疾病控制组采取什么措施来控制基孔肯雅蚊症的扩散?
. 积极检出案例
. 研究黑斑蚊
. 喷蚊雾和ULV
. 展开社区大扫除活动
. 展开促进健康活动。

热线电话 03-8881 0600 和 03 8881 0700


电话: 07-4341011
传真: 07-4322026



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Racial in a Multiracial Pakatan Rakyat?


As some of you may know, I appeared live on RTM2's What Say You programme on Sunday to discuss the consequences of Umno-PAS talks on multiracialism in Malaysia. While it was a lively discussion, what is clear from the response to the programme is that the Chinese in Malaysia no longer see things from a narrow racial perspective. The MCA must evolve along with the Chinese community in articulating such views.

As I said on the programme, the MCA may be a Chinese party but our outlook must be multi-racial. We must be issue-centered. The issues the Chinese are concerned about today cuts across racial barriers. These issues include the economy, corruption, Hindraf and equal access to educational opportunities. That is why the concept of Malay unity has sparked some concerns among the Chinese community. The Chinese have responded strongly in favour of the purportedly more multi-racial approach of the Pakatan Rakyat alliance.

While I do not believe the Pakatan Rakyat is better placed to unite all Malaysians, it is nevertheless necessary for us in the MCA to respond or else we will be painted into a corner as a coalition which represents narrow racial interests. The concept of Malay unity in the form of any Umno-PAS alliance is a turn-off to most Chinese voters because it suggests other races are precluded. The presence of PAS in Pakatan Rakyat is less of a concern because PKR is multiracial and the strongest party. It is our responsibility to ask UMNO if they realize they risk alienating non-Malays permanently.
The Barisan Nasional (BN) concept is still the only way for Malaysia to progress together as partners. But right now, the copycat version in Pakatan Rakyat appears much more appealing to many Malaysians because the different members –DAP, PKR, PAS – seem to have an equal say in the direction of the alliance, and are united under Anwar Ibrahim. Many voters stopped supporting the original – BN – because Umno appeared too powerful, and the other partners appeared to have less say in the direction of the country. We in the BN will have to work hard to change this perception. And this must be done together as partners.

The fragile co-operation between Pakatan Rakyat is possible because of Anwar Ibrahim. I cannot imagine how it will work in the longer term.


Friday, August 1, 2008

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